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(408) 453-4520


1758 Junction Ave. Suite G San Jose, CA 95112


Rivera CNC Solutions

At RIVERA CNC, we are committed to providing high-quality products that meet your expectations and specifications. That is why we have a dedicated CMM department that ensures the accuracy and precision of our machining processes and products.

What is CMM? CMM stands for coordinate measuring machine, which is a device that can measure the dimensions of an object by moving a probe over its surface. The probe records the coordinates of each point it touches and sends them to a computer. The computer then uses a software to calculate the distance, shape, and position of the object based on the collected data.

How do we use CMM? We have a state-of-the-art CMM facility that is equipped with various types of probes, such as touch probes and noncontact probes. Touch probes make physical contact with the object, while noncontact probes use a beam of light to detect the surface. We use different probes depending on the type and size of the object to be measured.

We also have a team of skilled and experienced CMM operators who can perform various measurements, such as dimensional, geometric, positional, and surface measurements. They can also generate detailed reports and certificates that show the results of the measurements.

Why do we use CMM? CMM is one of the most effective tools for quality control in machining. It can measure complex parts and surfaces that are difficult or impossible to measure with other methods. It can also verify the quality of the finished products and detect any defects or errors. By using CMM, we can ensure that every part we produce meets and exceeds your requirements.